Placenta Encapsulation 101 with Jessica Poulsen of Full Circle Doula Collective
Updated: Dec 11, 2019
Placenta encapsulation is believed to have numerous benefits for postpartum women. Probably the best-
known benefit is the potential to reduce or even prevent postpartum depression, but other advantages many women have reported are increased energy, faster recovery, increased milk supply, and less
postpartum bleeding.
There are two main techniques for placenta encapsulation: the Traditional Method (Also known as
Traditional Chinese Medicine method), which incorporates the natural energy present in the placenta
organ as part of therapy, and the Raw Method which specifically focuses on the potential nutritional and
hormonal content of the placenta. I have been trained professionally in both techniques and currently offer
both types of placenta encapsulation.
The placenta is considered rich in iron and protein, which is useful to postpartum people recovering from
childbirth, and particularly beneficial to vegetarians. Pregnancy is taxing on the body, even if the pregnant
person follows the best of health regimens. The theory behind placentophagy is that you are returning the
nutrients lost during the birth process back to the body to aid in quick and smooth postpartum recovery.
Placenta ingestion can help you by:
*Reducing the risk of postpartum hemorrhage and lessening lochia phase.
*Providing the hormones human placental lactogen and prolactin to assist with your milk coming in & increasing supply.
*Replenishing iron lost from birth and preventing post-birth anemia. Low iron can lead to depressive symptoms.
*Balancing out hormone levels until the body is able to regulate it's own.
*Providing natural pain relief from the labor and birthing process.
*Placenta helps your uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size
*Lending you a consistent flow of oxytocin (the bonding and euphoric hormone)
*Replenishing your B vitamins and offering your body protein for energy.
*Protection from infection due to retained placenta or bacteria in the uterus.
*Decrease insomnia or sleep disorders.
The placenta’s hormonal make-up is completely unique to the person it belongs to. No prescription, vitamin, or herbal supplement can do what one placenta pill can. How amazing is that?
The known ingredients that give the placenta its healing properties are:
Gonadotrophin: the precursor to estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.
Prolactin: promotes lactation.
Oxytocin: for pain and bonding; produced during breastfeeding to facilitate bonding of parent and infant.
Thyroid stimulating hormone: boosts energy and helps recovery from stressful events.
Cortisone: combats stress and unlocks energy stores.
Interferon: stimulates the immune system to protect against infections.
Prostaglandins: anti-inflammatory.
Hemoglobin: replenishes iron deficiency and anemia, a common postpartum condition.
Urokinase inhibiting factor and factor XIII: stops bleeding and enhances wound healing.
Gammaglobulin: immune booster that helps protect against postpartum infections.
Placentophagy protocol in management of postpartum care ”Giving...placenta to a new mother following birth has become standard protocol among a growing number of midwives in the United States. By nourishing the blood and fluids, endocrine glands and organs, Placenta will ...reduce or stop postpartum bleeding, speed up recovery, boost energy and relieve postpartum blues.”
The Effect of Ingestion of Desiccated (dried) Placenta on Milk Production
“All patients were given desiccated placenta prepared as previously described (C.A. II, 2492) in doses of 10 grains in a capsule 3 times a day. Only those mothers were chosen for the study whose parturition was normal and only the weights of those infants were recorded whose sole
source of nourishment was mother’s milk. The growth of 177 infants was studied. The rate of growth is increased by the ingestion of placenta by the mother... the maternal ingestion of dried placenta tissue so stimulates the tissues of the infants feeding on the milk produced during this time, that unit weight is able to add on greater increments of matter, from day to day, than can unit weight of infants feeding on milk from mothers not ingesting this substance.”
(Hammett, Frederick. S. 1918. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 36. American Society of Biological Chemists, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, original
press: Harvard University.)
The American Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children:
”It has been shown that the feeding of desiccated placenta to women during the first eleven
days after parturition causes an increase in the protein and lactose percent of the milk... All
the mothers were receiving the same diet, and to the second set 0.6mg of desiccated placenta
was fed three times a day throughout the period. Certain definite differences in the progress of
growth of the two sets of infants are to be observed. It is evident that the recovery from the
postnatal decline in weight is hastened by the consumption of milk produced under the
influence of maternally ingested placenta.”
(McNeile, Lyle G. 1918. The American Journal of
Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, 77. W.A. Townsend & Adams, original press: University of Michigan.)
Placenta as Lactagagon
“Powdered Placenta Hominis was used for 57 cases of insufficient lactation. Within 4 days, 48 women had markedly increased milk production, with the remainder
following suit over the next three days.”
(Bensky/Gamble. 1997. Materia Medica, Eastland
Press, 549.)
“An attempt was made to increase milk secretion in mothers by administration of dried
placenta per os. Of 210 controlled cases only 29 (13.8%) gave negative results; 181 women
(86.2%) reacted positively to the treatment, 117 (55.7%) with good and 64 (30.5%) with very
good results. It could be shown by similar experiments with a beef preparation that the
effective substance in placenta is not protein. Nor does the lyofilised placenta act as a
biogenic stimulator so that the good results of placenta administration cannot be explained as
a form of tissue therapy per os. The question of a hormonal influence remains open. So far it
could be shown that progesterone is probably not active in increasing lactation after
administration of dried placenta.
This method of treating hypogalactia seems worth noting since the placenta preparation is
easily obtained, has not so far been utilized and in our experience is successful in the majority
of women.” (Soykova-Pachnerova E, et. al.(1954). Gynaecologia 138(6):617-627.)
Placentophagia: A Biobehavioral Enigma
“Although ingestion of the afterbirth during delivery is a reliable component of parturitional behavior of mothers in most mammalian species, we know almost nothing of the direct causes or consequences of the act. Traditional explanations of placentophagia, such as general or specific
hunger, are discussed and evaluated in light of recent experimental results. Next, research is reviewed which has attempted to distinguish between placentophagia as a maternal behavior and placentophagia as an ingestive behavior. Finally, consequences of the behavior, which may also be viewed as ultimate causes in an evolutionary sense, are considered, such as the possibility of beneficial effects on maternal behavior or reproductive competence, on protection against predators, and on immunological protection afforded either the mother or the young.” (KRISTAL,M. B. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 4(2) 141-150, 1980.)
Placenta for Pain Relief
Ingestion of placenta or amniotic fluid produces a dramatic enhancement of centrally mediated opioid antinociception in the rat. The present experiments investigated the role of each opioid receptor type (A, y, n) in the antinociception-modulating effects of Placental Opioid-Enhancing
Factor (POEF—presumably the active substance). Antinociception was measured on a 52 jC hotplate in adult, female rats after they ingested placenta or control substance (1.0 g) and after they received an intracerebroventricular injection of a y-specific
([D-Pen2,D-Pen5]enkephalin(DPDPE); 0, 30, 50, 62, or 70 nmol), A-specific ([D-Ala2,N-MePhe4,Gly5-ol]enkephalin
(DAMGO); 0, 0.21, 0.29, or 0.39 nmol), or n-specific (U-62066; spiradoline; 0, 100, 150, or 200 nmol) opioid receptor agonist. The results showed that ingestion of placenta potentiated y- and n-opioid antinociception, but attenuated A-opioid antinociception. This finding of POEF action as both opioid receptor-specific and complex provides an important basis for understanding the
intrinsic pain-suppression mechanisms that are activated during parturition and modified by placentophagia, and important information for the possible use of POEF as an adjunct to opioids in pain management. (Placenta ingestion by rats enhances y- and n-opioid antinociception, but suppresses A-opioid antinociception, Jean M. DiPirro*, Mark B. Kristal)
Reviews from actual clients who have tried encapsulation:
"Smartest thing I ever did!" –Britney B
"I felt more like 'me' and much less 'mombie'... I was brokenhearted when I ran out!!" –Crystal N
"Love my capsules! I have had more milk this time around and I have only had a little bit of baby blues compared to my previous experiences with postpartum depression. I have more energy which is great trying to keep up with four kids. Jessica is so sweet! I will defiantly refer her." –Shanna
"My baby boy is 3 days old and last night was the first night that we had a rough night. I got no sleep! Well today I started my placenta capsules and now I feel great! I can't believe the energy it gave me! And how much my mood was lifted by taking them. Thanks SO much Jessica! What an amazing thing!" –Chelsea W
"I'm loving my pills and I feel like a million bucks!! I have so much milk it's amazing!! I've been recommending to all of my friends!" –Sherydon S
I am a dual-certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist and have been encapsulating in Northern Utah since 2012! In that time I have done hundreds of placentas and made some great friends from my happy customers! I am one of the only certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialists in this area and I follow OSHA standards having successfully completed a Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) Training course (in accordance with the OSHA BloodbornePathogens Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030). Your placenta is prepared using only and all sterilized equipment.
Making sure your Placenta Encapsulation Specialist is certified is so important because it keeps you safe and your placenta viable!Book your spot on my calendar ASAP! My placenta openings fill up fast!
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