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"This is the workbook that I give to each of the families I work with around 28 weeks gestation. I find that realisticly planning for life after baby makes the world of difference" -Sarah Fairlight LM



Postpartum Planning Is Important.

There is no one right way to do postpartum. The Build Your Nest workbook can help to create a plan that is right for you.


Some of the resources in the workbook include:

  • Holistic tips for healing.

  • Practical solutions to common challenges.

  • Journal exercises.

  • Planning calendars and worksheets.

  • A pregnancy-to-do list.

  • A complete template for your postpartum plan.

  • Glossary of terms and resources.

  • Meal Train guide.

Even if you have the most attentive work-at-home partner or your mother is coming for two weeks or you’ve hired a postpartum doula, The Workbook will be enormously helpful. You will see how their support fits into your larger plan and ease the transition when you no longer have their support. Creating a broader base of support will help you feel more connected to your community.

You may have older children and you have been through all this before. While in some ways experienced mothers can welcome a new baby with more confidence and ease, it is important to remember that each birth and each baby is a whole new experience. Usually, families with older children receive less support even though their parenting load is growing. Careful planning and calling in support is beneficial to the whole family, helping older siblings adjust to life with a newborn.

Build Your Nest, a postpartum planning workbook By Kestrel Gates



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