This 1 oz. bag of blended herb is especially prepared to assist in starting or increasing letdown and milk supply. The first week after birth can feel overwhelming and if you add concerns about baby "not getting enough" or latch issues it can be doubly so.
This is the tea I give all my clients who are struggling along with my No 10 lactation oil blend to speed up and increase letdown and milk supply. To prepare use 1TBS loose leaf herb in a strainer to 8 oz hot water, add sweetener if wanted. Can be used as an infusion also with a half cup loose leaf tea in 1 quart jar of hot water, let sit for 6 hours. Strain and enjoy!
No 3 lactation tea
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All shipping is done through USPS using Priority Mail. Occasionally to lower our carbon footprint we use pre-used packaging and packaging materials we have on hand and 1st class mail when acceptable.
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